Sometimes things are just a little too surreal around me when they are combined


At the gym,  there’s always a lot going on. People walking and driving by in front of the gym, people working out, several TVs on, and like most folks doing cardio I listen to music. Set iTunes to shuffle and go.

This afternoon I was trying not to sing along to iTunes on the elliptical. (Trying not to sing in public takes up a lot of my mental energy)

On the TV in front of me, they were interviewing the sister of one of the fine upstanding young men who killed someone for no reason in Oklahoma. She was saying that she didn’t understand why her little brother was in jail for Murder 1 because he didn’t do the shooting.

Behind me, a personal trainer and his client were laughing hysterically about something. Not even noticing what the woman on TV was saying.

The words to the song I was listening to  went like this:

Chi è che sa di che siamo capaci tutti, vanificato il limite oramai?

(Who knows what we are all capable of now that the limits have all been nullified?)*


So I stopped.



Who does know?

Pretty much anything, it seems.




* C.S.I/Memorie Di Una Testa Tagliata.


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