Seeing all sides of a question

 Very superstitious, writing’s on the wall
Very superstitious, ladders ’bout to fall

–Stevie Wonder/Superstition


He’ll sting you with his dreams of power and wealth.
Beware of Scorpio!
His twisted twin obsessions are his plot to rule the world
And his employees’ health.

–The Simpsons/Scorpio


According to astrology, I’m supposed to see things in black and white because I’m a Scorpio.  While it’s true that there are some things I am indeed very categorical about, for the most part I tend to see everything in a dizzying array of shades of gray.

Even more sides than there really are.

Not only the what-ifs, but the even-ifs.

The should-haves and shouldn-t-haves.

The don’t evers.

The alwayses.

We all have to do some of this. It’s called making a decision. But sometimes it’s mental paralysis waiting to happen. I am  good at making decisions.  Ask my husband. Somehow even when I know exactly what I’m going to do, I still have to take at least another quick look at the options.

And then go with plan A as originally scheduled.


But don’t worry, other sides– I see you out there.

Waiting to trip me up!

I also used to be a  big fan of arguing all sides of an argument at once. For some reason, this made people unhappy with me. People really want you to only make the argument that you actually believe in. Baiting people is mean, so I mostly stopped doing it.

Sometimes, though…it’s just fun.


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