Nothing to say

But it’s OK

It turned out to be a good day.
Crazy busy at work, but I kicked ass.
Enjoyed my first lemon slushy of the Summer. How is that possible? I love the brain freezing pain of the slushy beyond measure. I can’t believe I didn’t have one until mid-July!
I have another long weekend in front of me.
A couple of supernatural pulp novels to read.
Talking about renting a cabin at the beach next month for a few days.
Maybe a few days in Bend.
Maybe see some people I miss.

My life could definitely be worse here in the land of great beer and coffee.

Thanks, Life, the Universe and Everything. Especially for lemon slushies on hot days and ample vacation time.

Thank you for Time.

Lips curling up..I believe that is a smile starting…
Thanks for that, too.


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