More from the Winter Wonderland

Snow was sparkling today after the sun came out.
It was cold. COLD. Minus nine degrees cold.
Diane went to work, the other three drove into town for more IPA. That might be the most exciting thing that happened all day.

Dante and I had the condo to ourselves for a few hours.
I tried, unsuccessfully, to take a nap.
I watched some football.
Dante tried to go out and chase some kids on a sled.
(He stood by the door and tried to convince me to let him out, and promised he wouldn’t run after them. I didn’t believe him. He is not to be trusted in these matters.)

Yawn. Stretch.

Rick and Chelle cooked dinner. We watched some more football. Had some drinks. Played some games. Quiet stuff. Everyone will be asleep early while I write this. A good day.


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