An imaginary conversation about what I love

It seems like I am always mentioning something I love. Apparently, I am not very discriminating. You?

Oh, people always tell me I am discriminating.

Uh…err….Maybe you need to have a chat about that with your HR department.

When I am not actively discriminating, I love paradox, irony and humor.

Sounds like a law firm…”Paradox, Irony and may I direct your call?”


Of a minor sort, yes.

You’re always so self deprecating…

Better then self defecating.

Potty humor.

How unlike me…

Is it?

I like to pretend to myself that I am more cerebral than that.

Are you successful?

At pretending to be cerebral? Mostly. It’s an easier goal than actually being cerebral.

You aren’t UNcerebral.

Another item to add to my resume.

You can mention it right after your gift for profanity.

Great idea!

Thanks. HR likes profanity almost as much as discriminating.

Some of us are HR disasters waiting to happen.

You, too?

It’s because I’m intimidating.


To the stupid and/or incompetent.

Do you tell people they are stupid or incompetent?

Of course not, but if they ask me the same thing more than twice I might tend to say “what did I tell you when you asked me that yesterday” instead of answering again.

That is an unusual approach.

Telling people the same thing over and over is NOT one of the things I love.
Except nice things. I don’t mind repeating nice things.

Like what?

Thanking someone for doing something unexpected and awesome. Complimenting someone’s cute new haircut. Telling someone I love them.

All of those things are good things. What else do you love?

New shoes. Sunny days. Looking at any sort of body of water, even a puddle. Music. Black eyeliner. Sleeping. Certain people. Buttered popcorn.

I hope I am on the list.

Take me to a movie and buy me some popcorn and I will submit your name for consideration.

I have to bribe you?

Yes. No. Maybe a little.

I guess a movie is a cheap enough bribe, even with popcorn.

I’ll make it worth your while.

There isn’t a doubt in my mind about that.

Thanks, you’re sweet.


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