An imaginary conversation about being confused

So what are you going to do?

Fuck, I don’t know.

It seems pretty obvious to me.

I know it does. I wish it did to me.

It doesn’t?

Well, yes, actually it does. It’s totally obvious.

So what’s the problem?

I don’t like it. It feels wrong. The logical thing.

But you know what’s going to happen, right?

My brain does.

And you aren’t listening to your brain because why?

Because my heart says something else. Maybe I’m an idiot.

No, you’re just human.

A human idiot.

No. I’ll support you whatever you do.

Because you are awesome. Too bad I am not in love with you.

It would make some things a lot easier.

I’m sure I could learn to be more gay.

No you couldn’t.

It’s not like I’ve ever tried. Maybe I have an aptitude for it.

I am NOT explaining that to my boyfriend.

Yeah. That might be awkward. Although..technically…he never said you couldn’t go out with other women.

No. That is true. We haven’t had a discussion about that. But I thought you were against the sort of honesty that is based on just not saying things that aren’t true.

Oh, we’re going to be requiring coherency from me now? I’m not sure I am prepared for that.

Only on honesty.

I have to agree with you there. Besides, we are both shitty liars.

Especially me.

Why especially you?

No reason.



OK. I’m not a good liar either, you know.

I don’t think you’ve ever needed to lie to me about anything, so I wouldn’t know.

I’m too lazy to be a liar. I don’t like keeping track of things that much.

It makes it too easy to be confused.

Right. And we both know I am already confused enough already.


In my next life, I am coming back as one of those total dicks who never second-guesses himself ever.

Reincarnation? Really? And you want to be a man?

Shut up. I don’t feel like being rational.

I noticed.

Well. Oh, I’ve got nothing. I’m not being rational. I am trying, wildly unsuccessfully, not to overthink something and go with my instincts. It would be a hell of a lot easier if I was being swept off my feet.

That doesn’t appear to be likely. When was the last time you even really talked?

I know, I know. I don’t think I have ever been less swept off my feet in my whole life. It would be kind of nice to have that happen, I think.

You deserve a grand gesture.

I don’t think I am the grand gesture type. I’m probably too cozy for grand gestures or something. A trip to the coast or something would be more my speed. Camping in a yurt.

You don’t even like camping.

A yurt wouldn’t really be camping. Just…someplace with no cell service or wi-fi. Quiet. With water. Maybe a balcony. OK. Not a yurt. A cabin.

What about a bar?

We can bring a cooler.

On your imaginary trip with someone who you aren’t really even quite talking to?

Maybe I should just go to the beach alone…I haven’t done that for years. It could be fun.

It sounds lonely.

Alone is not automatically lonely.

It is for me.

I kind of like it. At the beach it’s nice to have someone who can build a fire, though. I am afraid of fire, but I like to have a fire when I am at the beach.

Having been on fire could make a person a little nervous.

Once burned, twice shy.

That doesn’t just apply to actual fire, you know.

Oh, I know. I definitely know.

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