Something’s got to give..

At a certain point, I just need to cut back on something. If I am going to write, I need to write. 

But what should I cut back?

Oh, right. 

Something that isn’t important. 

But it’s all important. 

Well, fuck. 

Priorities. I’m going to have to set them: getting some exercise, reading, writing, having dinner, going to bed at a civilized hour. Those are my weekday priorities when I get home from work. 

I am simply going to have to spend less time man shopping. Man shopping takes more time than you might think. Or do a little less eating. I could stand to eat less anyway.. Or I could go out less often. 

Ooh! I know! I can only shop for men while I am exercising. That could do it. 


Solutions are good..but do I have to will to execute the plan??

Stand by and see. If the blog continues to suck you’ll know it didn’t work out as planned.

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