Learning how to smile

I can’t handle how the hell it happens every day
When you smile and touch my face
You make it all just go away
Yes I know there ain’t no finish line, 
I know this never ends
But I’m just learning how to fall, 
climb back up again
–Everclear/Learning How To Smile

That’s all there is to it.
Fall. Get back up again.
Repeat as needed.
It’s simple.
I hear you laughing.
Simple and easy are synonyms,
But they don’t always mean the same thing.
Wait, but isn’t that what a synonym is?
Yes, but not all synonyms are.
Sometimes they are more like related words.

Fall. Get back up again.
I’ve been practicing.
It can be done,
but you should see the bruises!
When you fall and get back up again
as often as I do,
You need to leave your dignity behind,
and laugh at yourself a lot.

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