Well. Isn’t THAT interesting?

I’ve got some sort of bug bite on my arm. It  tripled in size during the day, so I went to see a doctor to make sure my arm wasn’t going to fall off and keep me from going to the Duck game on Saturday.

As part of the exam, she measured the bite.  It’s 14cm x9cm.  I mentally calculated 14cm to around 6″ and looked it up when I got home to see how close I was.

It’s 5.5inches.

But who cares, right?


Well here’s the odd thing: everything that turned up in the Google window aside from the actual conversion was related to penis size.

Apparently 14cm is some sort of penile default.


It seems a lot larger as a bug bite than it does as a penis size….


Screen shot 2013-08-29 at 7.05.16 PM


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