Possibly maybe


Uncertainty excites me
Who knows what’s going to happen?
Lottery or car crash
Or you’ll join a cult
–Bjork/Possibly Maybe


You know what?


I say maybe too much.

Some might think that it’s indecision.

Maybe it’s not that at all.

It’s at least partially an attempt to make people think that I’m less decisive than I actually am. This is an affectation which is very common among humans of the female gender, and comes on after years of seeing how uncomfortable people get when they hear a clearly and politely stated opinion coming out of a lipsticked mouth. In my case, the opinion is generally correct. I don’t talk  about things I don’t know about, especially at work.

I say “maybe” far less at work than I do in my personal life though.

In my personal life, I am far more likely to think about things that are less black and white than a technical issue at work. At work you need to fix a specific configuration to make something work properly. There may be several ways to get to an end result, but there are typically fairly concrete steps involved.  In my personal life, I think about things like morals and ethics which are far less black and white. In my personal life, things get very gray, especially because I like to look at things from different angles.

That leads to a lot of maybes.

There are some things I am very concrete about: not stealing, trying not to be a douche, keeping promises, not killing people if it’s at all possible. Other things, I think people can make up their own minds about. Other things,  are open to doubt. Those are the things I enjoy wondering about.


Being a  wonder abouter is one of my hobbies, and “I wonder if” and “maybe” are a natural pairing.


I suppose maybe there’s room for some maybes in the Cult of Doubt.

Maybe I don’t say maybe enough!



Important personal note:

I would like to welcome my new grandson Johnathan  to the world. It’s a pretty great place, Johnathan. You’ll like it here.


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