Nothing. Just, nothing

The less we say about it the better
Make it up as we go along
Feet on the ground, head in the sky
It’s okay, I know nothing’s wrong

–Talking Heads/This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody)


Today, I don’t know that I can come up with anything to say.

We spent all day doing all the crap around the house that I hate to do. I’m pretty sure I did infinite loads of laundry. This time of year, weeks go by when we aren’t at home, so when there’s a non-football weekend everything really piles up. Literally. Dishes. Dirty clothes. Dust bunnies. After chores, we went to a dinner with Mark’s MBA classmates to celebrate them finishing the program, which was fun but involved me being social with a bunch of people I don’t know. That’s hard for me. I think I managed to behave like a moderately normal person for the several hours we were there. It was fun, but it was tiring. Mentally tiring.

Does that exhaust everyone, or is it just me?  I’m terrible at talking to people I don’t know, I always have been. I don’t know how many times people have asked me why I never talk. I feel like I do, but it’s just harder than it seems like it should be. I’m much better around people I know, but even then I need a lot of time on my own. Maybe more so than other people, I need to be quiet.

And yes, I realize that it was not very long ago that I wasn’t physically able to talk at all and I didn’t like it much. Maybe I think I should ration my spoken words in case they don’t come back all the way.

Although really what I didn’t like about losing my voice was that I couldn’t laugh or sing. I didn’t really miss talking all that much. I had a great excuse for just listening.

Maybe what I need is a party specific form of laryngitis…

Or maybe I just need to sleep.








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