The incredible lightness of being whiny and sick

This has been an unusually sickly season for me. I am normally one of those annoying people who is never sick. Not this year! I’m on round three with a nasty-ish upper respiratory tract infection which includes a cough which can be heard 3 counties over. Nobody likes being sick, and I may be even more whiny than most people when I am.

Today, I’m just well enough to be out of bed but sick enough that I’m stuck on the couch. To keep from breaking a rib coughing, I’m all jacked up on codeine. Which has some benefits, but coherent thinking and writing are not among them.

For instance, I just wrote the word writing this way:

Clearly not right. Spell check hated it. I was sure spell check was wrong.

I’m generally very good at entertaining myself. I read, scribble, knit or watch movies…the codeine is making those activities challenging. So it’s all music and naps. There are only so many naps a person can take, but music is pretty much infinite.

In the holiday spirit of positivity, and because I’m too gorked to do anything else, here are the top 5 things I’m grateful for even when I’m sick.

1. I am very grateful to only be a little bit sick. Having worked in and around hospitals for so long, I am very much aware that it could be much worse.

2. Codeine. Seriously. I honestly think this would be the time my ribs finally broke from coughing.

3. The people on my iPad and iPhone, and their willingness to entertain me.

4. Music. All the music, but particularly The One True Elvis. What did I do before they had magical devices which contained all of the music in the world?? And shuffle?

5. The miracles of booze and honey.

6. The ability to find humor in things even when I don’t feel too great.

Uh, make that the top 6 things…

I can’t blame that on cold meds. I can’t count sober, either.

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