Jealous Guy

I didn’t mean to hurt you
I’m just a jealous guy

John Lennon was probably pretty hard to be in love with of you go by song lyrics. He wrote several songs about being kind of an overly possessive creep. Ever hear “the End?” That’s the one in which he says he’s rather see her dead than with another man.

John was not the nice Beatle.

The implication in this one is that he’s sorry he keeps hurting her, but he can’t help it. It’s his character.

What do you do if who you are hurts the person you love?

Is it like the folk tale of the scorpion begging for a ride across the river? The scorpion stings the zebra on the way across, so they both die. It was inevitable. That’s what scorpions do!

How much you hurt someone doesn’t have all that much to do with intent, does it?

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