Everyday magic

There are a lot of things in life that are very ordinary but also extraordinary and just a little witchy.

It could be a short list: the fact that everything exists just the way it is. Hurrah! It’s my shortest post ever! The “Jesus wept” of the blog! Now with more extraneous exclamation points!

No. There is more. A little more. Not too much more– I have been up on Tequila Hill with Chelle and Rick, and Rick is a glass filler. I am sleepy.

So. A list of things I find miraculous.

Running water
Cell phones
Hard ons. Just because I don’t get them myself doesn’t mean they aren’t magic.
That thing where you think about someone and they call you or message you.
Drawing. People who can put a pencil to paper and come up with something recognizably amaze me.
Certain books. The Sparrow. Jane Eyre.
Black eyeliner
The way a scent or a song can bring back a memory
Sunrise, followed by sunset. Every day. It’s been going on for centuries.
Flight–any kind. Birds. Helicopters. Airplanes. Fairies. Whatever.
That day every year when all of a sudden it’s Spring
Things growing

The most amazing thing?

Yes, I am going to say it again.
I know such good people.

Chelle and Rick, thank you for keeping me company tonight. And for keeping my glass filled.

That was kind of a lot of wine.

I think I will have to stop by Trader Joe’s tomorrow!

Love you!

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