An imaginary conversation about Steve Miller

You should totally write something about Steve Miller.

Steve Miller?

Like about Jet Airliner

Why would I write about that?

I love Jet Air Liner!

Well, I don’t have anything else to write about that isn’t depressing.


What the fuck would I have to say about Steve Miller? I like his music well enough, I guess, but not enough to write about it. I shouldn’t be allowed to start drinking until I have written 400 words. I am uncreative after being plied with wine all evening.

You could always miss a day.

No I can’t. I need to make it until mid-July to make a whole year.

How do you come up with ideas? I don’t have 365 ideas.

Me either. That’s why I will end up writing about a conversation about not writing about Steve Miller.

It could be worse. You could be writing about ABBA.

That’s an awful thing to wish on me!

It wasn’t a wish. It was an attempt to force you into committing an act of gratitude.

Act of gratitude would be a good band name, or even blog title.

I am a little “over” gratitude as a topic.

That seems like a bad idea.

So, Steve Miller.

Fuck. What the fuck am I going to say?

I already told you–talk about “Jet Air Liner.”

No. I don’t even know the words!

You could skip a day.

I suppose Google could find song lyrics.

Oh good. I can’t wait to read it!

I am so screwed. Do you have Jet Air Liner on your iPod?

Of course!

You win.

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