OK, OK, one more and I am done talking about it…

We were up very late Saturday…very.
Up in the morning, Bloody Mary breakfast, a few more laughs and then the drive home.

I really like to go for drives. I would think I may have been a dog in a previous life, except I don’t hang my head out the window. Coming home from Bend, I took the long way home. Made a few stops to look at stuff. Took crappy pictures from the car. Drove off the main road at random and poked around. Sang along to the radio.

I seem to be having trouble writing complete sentences. I may need to work on that a little, but not today.

Another great weekend, in spite of the Duck loss on Thursday night. It’s because I know such wonderful people. Not sure why, but they seem to love me right back.

I am a lucky woman in all the ways that matter!







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