Writing that gets away from me

Sometimes when I am writing, I know pretty much what I want to say and it just flows out. I edit a bit, but it’s like taking dictation.

Other times, it’s just stuck. I have an idea, but nothing I do can make it work. I’ll abandon and return..but sometimes it is just dead.

Then there are the times when I have no ideas at all.

My favorite times are when I start out thinking that I know just what I am going to write but things take off in a direction I wasn’t expecting at all. Maybe “favorite” isn’t quite the right word. The most revealing times are when that happens. The times when I get to the end and think OH.

That isn’t what is going to happen right now.

Nothing is what seems to be happening.

I have ideas. A lot of them. I just don’t want to write any of them. It’s not that I am struggling to write them, I just don’t want to even start.

Inspiration? Lacking.
Motivation? Well. I’ve been staring at this screen for a while. I even locked myself in my room so I would stop being distracted by old movies. It didn’t work. I still don’t feel like writing a thing.

I’m laughing at myself because nothing says I have to write anything. I’m not in deadline. I don’t have a boss expecting a certain quantity of words. This isn’t my job. I can not write whenever I want to, but when I tried I got all twitchy.

So I wrote. Anything. Shrug. Nothing.
Some words.
String together.

I think it must be time to sleep.

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