An imaginary conversation about going to the movies alone

Maybe I should go see a movie. I found some movie tickets today.

They do sort of tend to accumulate.

We missed the window of opportunity for the Christmas movies though.

Yeah, we kind of forgot to go and see some stuff.

We suck.

No we don’t. Things just happened.


So what are you going to see?

No clue. I still haven’t talked myself into it.

What’s the big deal?

No big deal, I don’t mind going to movies alone. It’s just that then there isn’t anyone to talk about it after the movie is over. And no one to hold hands with, or lean on.

That’s also the case if you stay home.

Oh, I am well aware of that.

I didn’t mean to rub it in. It’s the same thing here.

I know.

So why do you have to talk yourself into it?

Part of it is that whole woman going out alone at night thing–the movies I am thinking about all start between 9:45 and 10:15. I am not super nervous about going out in this neighborhood alone, but it does make me think.

Plus you’d be walking to your car alone at midnight. I don’t know if I like that, either.

Right. The joys of being a woman.

There are compensations, aren’t there?

Are there?

There must be…

I don’t know. I’ve never been anything but female. I have no idea what it’s like to be anything else.

Boobs must be nice to have.

They are. I’m not sure they are adequate compensation for a lifetime of less pay and more risk of sexual violence.

Probably not. Would you be a man if you had a choice?

Not a chance.

Why not?

I’d get my dick caught in my zipper too often.

It really isn’t a frequent problem.

Still. I would just as soon keep my internal genitalia.

How did you get from movie tickets to genitals?

It’s a gift.

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