This…is how my brain feels…


Scary, yeah?

It’s not that I’m sad, or stressed out…but for some reason, I am not sleeping well. Right. I know. I’ve said that before, but then I started sleeping again. The last month or so, not so much. I fall asleep with no trouble at all, and then 0200 rolls around like a big old insomniac fog and lands right on top of me.

Don’t get me wrong–I like saying hello to 0200 as much as anyone–but not on a work night.

The thing that is a little bit different, is that I’m not awake with my brain spinning. I’m not carrying around imaginary conversations. Which is good. So the question of why I am awake remains.

Part of it is (FUCK) my age. I wake up in a sweat. If I am going to do the menopause thing, that’s great, really, but can I get to the “pause” part if I have to have hot flashes in the middle of the night? It really doesn’t seem reasonable to expect me to have bleeding AND sweating. KThxBai.

I also wonder if maybe there’s been a little more socializing than my poor introverted psyche can manage. Which means I ought to be a complete wreck by Monday, since my weekend is going to be all socializing all the time. Whee.

But it’s fuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnn. I love my people!
Remind me of that when you come and visit me in the psych ward. You WILL come and visit me, right? RIGHT?

Or then there is always this: I could be stressing about something and repressing it. That would suck. I think I have more or less managed to put that sort of thing behind me, but I suppose I could have backslid without realizing.

I guess I can consider the options when I am up again at 0200!

Happy Hallmark Day.
Love ’em if you’ve got ’em?..

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