That pesky real life, always getting in the way of my posting

Yesterday was supposed to be the day. You know, the day I got caught up. The day I went grocery shopping. The day I bought COFFEE. The day I did laundry. Got the car washed.  Did the dishes. Did some reading and writing.

Did any of that happen? 


I dawdled around in bed until 10. I made oatmeal. The good kind–steel cut, with raisins, pumpkin seeds and maple syrup. I stared out the window at a squirrel for an amount of time I am a little embarassed to admit. did laundry. I baked bread.  Then I got a message from Tequila Hill indicating that there was lasagna. Off I went. 

There are obviously worse things in life than having a good dinner and spending an evening with wonderful people having a few drinks, watching some March Madness and playing dominoes. Way worse things than getting bossed around by one of the world’s most adorable toddlers. I will not even try to pretend that I did not enjoy it thoroughly. 

If luckiness was ranked, I would be in the top 5 percentile. Definitely. 

So, I’m doing better with productivity this morning, right?



I only dawdled in bed until 9:30. Drank coffee. Ate oatmeal again. The good kind. Did a little chatting. Joined a gym. Now, I am really going to go to the grocery store. Really.

This time, I mean it.


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