Melancholy baby

Lately it’s been all melancholy all the time here at the blog.


I’m not feeling any more melancholy than usual. Which, OK, is maybe not an encouraging statement given my penchant for both bittersweet and melancholy. 


I’m feeling more hopeful and content than melancholy.

One thing to clarify: the imaginary conversations are actually imaginary to at least some extent. Sometimes I write drama and it keeps me from having it. So don’t worry, I am doing just fine. Yes, there are some bumps in my life, but nothing insurmountable!
The current problem?

Carpal tunnel. Both wrists. 

Tendinitis. Both elbows. 

Will be bracing and icing for a few days instead of writing.  
I wonder what that is going to do to my emotional state? Hmmmm?  I am about to find out if writing really is what is keeping me sane. I apologize in advance for any outbursts that I might have. 

Did you hear that ominous music too?

I guess if I get too nuts I can try to dictate…

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