Nothing to say, but it’s okay

Good Morning, star shine
the Earth says hello.
You twinkle above us
We twinkle below.

The lake is still here. The woodpeckers are still in the pines. The sun is still in the sky. If we’re lucky, and it stays clear, we may get a look at some shooting stars tonight.

Mark’s down at the dock pretending to fish and I’m in a lawn chair taking a brief break from Odd Thomas.

It definitely doesn’t suck.

The only very minor downside is that there are yellow jackets and my car is feeling seriously inadequate parked next to a needlessly large truck.

Also, we have plenty of booze. I know you were all worried about that.








Move along, nothing to see here!

Vacation, all I ever wanted Vacation,
had to get away

Almost hit our first deer a few
miles from the town of Wallowa. Stay off the road, Bambi!

More deer, a doe and a faun, on our way out of Joseph.

Settled in and drinking Swill on the front porch of cabin 9 by 4:30.

The lake is still there, in case anyone was worried. Somehow I forgot to produce photographic evidence, so you’ll just have to take my word for it.


What’s behind me is not important

Except for, you know, photographic purposes. I’m nothing if not incoherent. Or is that incongruous?

Well, I’m something anyway.


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