Inside Michelle’s Brain, episode 2

With Fall just around the corner, I’ve been thinking and reading a lot about college football lately.

I follow a lot of the Oregon Duck football team on Twitter, and they’re all amped up about practice getting started. And they all got new iPads.

There is a lot of talk about blocking and tackling.

It makes me envious.

I’m a middle aged IT professional. There is zero chance that I will ever have a job in which tackling is even tolerated, much less encouraged.

That makes me sad.

Maybe I should have learned to box or something. I like hitting people.

Hah! I was right–there IS something wrong with people who don’t like beer!

Time magazine says so!  (I’m paraphrasing heavily. Read closely)

The article talks  about differences in the way people see, taste and smell things. Wasn’t I just wondering about that the other day???

Turns out I was…see?

My mental finger is on the pulse of the nation.


Yeah. Ew.

Ixnay on the ingerfay.




Inside Michelle’s brain, episode 1

This is an actual conversation that took place inside of my head. It’s a scary place. Dark and full of cobwebs. I’d advise you not to look in there. Once you see it, it can’t ever be unseen.

It’s 21:00 hours, and it’s hot. About 81 outside, and about 83 inside. As a native Oregonian of the Willamette Valley, I do not take kindly to hot weather. Just now I  opened the windows and thought:

“Men are really lucky they don’t have boobs.  Boobs are sweaty when it’s this hot out. Ick.”

…. a few seconds went by….

“Well, but men do have scrotums. That’s probably worse.  I definitely wouldn’t want to have a scrotum when it’s this hot.

I wonder if scrotums get hotter than boobs.

I’ll have to check on that later.”



Still waters.



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