mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa #1

Everyone probably has someone they wish they could apologize to about…something. I like to think that I’ve been a pretty kind person overall, but I know I’ve had my moments of awfulness. I might be smarter than a lot of people, and funnier than a lot of people, but I’m definitely not one bit nicer than I’ve had to be.

Today, I would like to apologize for the following sin.

3rd grade. I kicked a boy in the face who was kneeling in front of me tying my shoes. Why? Because he was kind of a toady, he liked me, he gave me the creeps so I didn’t like him back, and he kept trying to do things for me when I asked him not to. Like tying my shoes. Even in the 3rd grade, I couldn’t stand having someone touch me when I said no. It bothered me. A lot. To be perfectly clear, I’m only apologizing for kicking him in the face.

I’m not a bit sorry I disliked him.


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