And then unexpectedly…BAM

And I was waiting over here for life to begin,
I was looking for the new thing,
And you were the sunshine heading my front-line,
I was alone, you were just around the corner from me.

–Pete Yorn/Life On A Chain
Have you ever just been walking around in your life, minding your own business and had something happened that completely exploded your …everything…all of a sudden?
Maybe someone walked into a classroom, stood behind you and metaphysical lightning struck you both. Maybe you were at the library and someone dragged you to an office to fill out paperwork to go and live in another country. Maybe you nagged your husband to stop whining about his sore throat and see a doctor, and  the CT showed something very bad indeed. Maybe you were driving to a class after work and someone ran a red light right into your car. Maybe you were making popcorn and set your arm on fire. Maybe you were at an appointment to discuss your infertility and the doctor asked you if you were interested adopting a baby about to be born.
Bam! Sometimes life runs right into you.
Life doesn’t like you to get to used to how things are.
Life enjoys surprises.
Sometimes the surprises are horrific. Sometimes they are more  wonderful than you would ever have believed.
It’s the stuff you aren’t expecting that overturns everything in your life. It’s the stuff that leads to the biggest changes, the most growth.  Even the bad things almost always eventually lead to something good eventually. Or maybe that’s just how it works if you think it’s how it works. Sometimes it’s hard to see the good while everything bad  is swirling all around you.
Bam! is what keeps life  interesting.
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