Overheard at work

I am fairly certain that I actually overheard this correctly based on the roar of laughter that followed:
“I’m pretty sure coffee is good for your testicles.”

I don’t have any science to back that up, but it is probably true. I am hesitant to Google “coffee and testicles” from the wi-fi at work for obvious reasons.

(Although honestly it is tempting because of how hysterical it would be to sit through that meeting with HR and my manager.)

I guess I will have to resort to logic instead:

Coffee is clearly the elixer of life, and testicles are full of pre-life…so, logically…yes. Coffee is good for testicles.

Please consult your healthcare practitioner for additional clarification.

Shut up. That was too logic.

2 thoughts on “Overheard at work”

    1. So happy to contribute to the continuing education of American medical professionals.

      It’s also worth noting that doctors do not usually get in trouble for shenanigans such as Google-ing testicles at work. It’s unfair. Very unfair.

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