A dream about invasion

In the dream, I was in the kitchen with my mother. It was her house, but not the one she lives in now. We were chatting and drinking wine while she cooked dinner. She heard something in the garage, and opened the door to see what trouble the cats were getting into.

I heard her say: “What are you doing? You need to leave now. You can’t just walk into people’s garages.”

Then she came back into the kitchen and stirred whatever was on the stove. I asked who she was talking to. She said she didn’t know, but she asked him to leave so he was gone now. I asked her to call 911 and went to see if he had really gone. He was still out there, just on the other side of the door between the garage and the house. I could hear him trying to open it.

He was trying to see inside the peep hole.

I told Mom to lock herself in the bedroom and call the police. I told her to run out her patio door if she heard anyone coming down the back hallway. She ran down the hall, dialing the phone.

The man in the garage told me very calmly that he just wanted to come in and use the phone and wouldn’t hurt us. They just had some work to do outside the house.

He had a saws-all in his hand, and I could see him starting to cut through the hinges on the door.

I ran out the back door, and into the street through the front gate. There was a whole crew in the driveway putting up scaffolding. Stringing cable. Going in and out of the garage with wires and hardware. They’d put down some sort of padded covering on the driveway.

I hid between some cars a little way up the street and called 911. They said no one else had called from Mom’s house. I tried to explain that she was in immediate danger, but they didn’t seem to believe me. I could hear the men at the house asking each other where ‘the other one’ was, so I ran further away, being careful to stay out of sight, and flagged down a police car.

I told him about what was happening, and he radioed in, but they also told him there had not been any calls from that address. I could not get him to help. He told me to get in the car and he would take me back to my Mother’s house.

For some reason, I felt that the police were part of a conspiracy. I ran. He drove towards my Mother’s house.

I woke up, and stayed awake for the rest of the night..

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